Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Out of the RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a very quick week I had my first two days off. Since two of the wwoofers just left I now get to walk Princess and Abbey in the mornings so that was the start of my day. Abbey is great and will follow where ever you go, but Princess likes to pick her own path; often that means sitting by a nice big pile of poop. Fun. They're both really good dogs though and it's generally fun to walk them. Next up a great breakfast of a zucchini omelet - fresh eggs, homemade cheese (my cheese actually worked!), and zucchini from the garden. I could really get used to this. There was a sign on the door informing everyone of a trip to Boxcar Canyon in the afternoon so I decided to stick around the farm till then.

Queso Fresco

Boxcar is a local swimming hole that I guess is fairly popular. It's by old railroad tracks and, as the name implies, there's a steep canyon with a river flowing through it. Our hike took us down the slope to the river and then along/in the river until we made it to a swimming area. It rained on and off for the entire hike, making the rocks slick and difficult to tread across. But we persevered and saw some great views. The most difficult part was climbing up a narrow chute with few hand/foot holds. The dog who came with us really had to be convinced that yes, this was the best way to go. He was doing great for the whole hike until that point. Eventually he made it up and was back to his ecstatic self after that. While one of the girls will probably never do that hike again, most of us are planning on heading back.

When we got back I found out I could move out of the RV and into the newly opened cabin. I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!! It's got a lot of space and there's a loft bed which I really like. It's even a full size! It's amazing how much of a difference getting out of the dingy RV with a door that doesn't close, a cat the tries to wander in, and a puddle that mysteriously appears and disappears can make. It's the most space to myself I've had since going to college. Right now the bottom is just open, but I think there will be furniture for it soon. Pictures to come.

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