Friday, August 23, 2013

Breeding Season

Well it's breeding season here and things are getting weird. The bucks will spit on the females so with three breeding pens spread throughout the farm, there's spitting going on everywhere. Not only do they spit on the ones in the breeding pens, but then others will come rub up on the fence and then they get spit on. And I guess things are only going to get more strange.

Spitting bucks aside, it was an eventful morning. On my way to breakfast I stopped and saw the brand new babies, who filled out a lot overnight. Then I opened the barn door to pass through and was greeted by a barn full of goats. It took me a minute to figure out if they were supposed to be there, I didn't think so but I am far from knowing how everything works here. As soon as I saw them gorging themselves on the feed I knew they were in the wrong place. So at 6:15 in the morning I had to pull all of the very reluctant teens back into their pen (after escorting a puppy and momma out). That wasn't the end of the episode of course. The barn needed to be swept and more feed thrown down from the loft.

Managed to squeeze in breakfast then time for the morning feed. Everything was going ok until it was time to feed one of the breeding pens. These goats were put in with the female alpacas and it seems there was a territorial dispute. The alpacas were staring down the goats, guarding the feed stall. In an effort to separate them I threw the feed into the other side of the pen, but then the alpacas stalked over there and the goats were left with nothing again. Locked the alpacas out and then was finally able to feed the goats. Seemed a lot more complicated than it needed to be. The rest of the feeding and the day's chores went smoothly though. Spent a lot of time with the puppies this afternoon, always a good way to end the work day.

I learned how to make chevre cheese tonight. One of the girls showed me and it really doesn't seem that hard (famous last words). She also told me about all of the different herbs and fruits she's added to make different flavors. Now I just need to give it a go once this cheese gets used up. Ali should be happy once I really get it down. 

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