Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Found the Troll

We had a relaxed morning at the hotel. Ate breakfast there and then checked out. Ready for Seattle Part 2. We had heard about the Fremont district and how they had a market on Sundays, so we thought that could be a good place to start. It was great! Lots of artisan crafts and clothes plus food vendors. There was also an indoor section that was more of a flea market. After seeing this area I definitely thought this was someplace I could happily get used to. In the area we saw a lot of sculptures and we went to see the Fremont Troll under the bridge.

The Fremont Troll, casually destroying a car.

The bridge he guards.


The market

Best food truck we saw.

More beautiful flowers.

After that we headed back to Pike Market. I guess Kevin really liked it. He even got pizza at the same place as yesterday. I got some awesome mac'n'cheese. There were just as many vendors and performers today, though a slightly smaller crowd at first. Until what appeared to be a mob of people just off a bus, all rolling suitcases. That was fun to navigate. Didn't stay much longer after that happened.

Post Alley, a tiny alley right next to Pike Place with some neat restaurants and shops.
Seems like the perfect store

An urban garden right next to a restaurant's patio

Next we went to the University of Washington area just to see some more sights. It's actually not a bad city to drive in and it was fairly easy to find the area we were looking for. Not a lot to see once we got there, but still nice to check out. I decided I wanted to go see a park while we were there. Somehow this resulted in us finding the Afro festival. We promptly left. And that was the end of our Seattle adventures. We never even ran into the hemp festival (not that Kevin or I were very disappointed).  We had a nice hotel for the night near the airport and we spent the rest of the day there. Kevin packed and then went out to the hot tub - he had been wanting a hot tub for forever. Unfortunately though it was quickly taken over by little kids which he was not so pleased with. Oh well he got some time in the hot tub without them. Other than that we had an early night because we had to get out of the hotel by 5 for him to get to the airport.

Our last hotel (this was the back entrance, the front the was even better!)

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