Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Living the Farm Life

Day 2 and I got around to taking more pictures (and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come). First thing in the morning I was on the milking shift.  We herded the ladies into the milking room where we milked them four at a time. The milking part was easy once you got the hang of it. It's really all of the cleaning before and after that takes the most time. Once the milking is finished you have to wait 2 hours and in that time the milk has to get below 40F or we can't sell it. During the down time I was just able to relax since I knew my tasks later in the day would take up plenty of time. After the 2 hours were up we checked the temperature of the milk and poured it into bottles. Seriously took 15 minutes.
Pen C - the waiting room for milking

Next up: canning peaches! I've never canned before since I thought it was a pretty involved process. It does take some time, but not as much as I thought especially with 5 of us working on it. My job was to dunk the peaches in hot water to help take the skin off, apparently they just taste better without the skin. They get sliced up and then sugar water is added to fill the jars. We made 45 jars in 3 hours, not too bad.

After the marathon canning I had some more down time until the evening feeding. All the animals get fed except for the alpacas, they can still graze in their pasture. Had one mishap when the teens' gate got left open to the barn and they made a bee line straight for the hay piles. Managed to drag them back into their pen where they had their appropriate portion of food.
Their favorite place to hang out right in the shade

When you need a better view

This soon to be mama is ready to pop

Sometimes you get a whole herd following you

You gonna feed me yet?

Our littlest baby and her mama

My morning greeting! I love saying hi to these dogs every time I head to the RV

Also get to walk by the bucks. Not as excited by that since one of them will pee on people. Apparently they get incredibly gross in the fall - breeding season.

Chuck and Kramer

The chickens, one just had 7 chicks! Have to get a picture of them

The garden area and the RV

Some preteens cuddling

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