Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Meeting the Goats

First day working on the farm, assigned to AM feeding and afternoon chores and water. With 11 wwoofers currently at the farm, I guess the schedule and ways of organizing everyone keeps changing. Eventually I think I'll get it (somewhat) figured out. Basically you have to work 6 hours a day - huge change from last year - so it's the shifts you're assigned to plus odd projects.

Morning feeding involves giving a certain type of hay - local, alfalfa, or orchard - to all of the animals plus dog food for the dogs. The babies get bottle fed which is extremely cute. They all come running out of their house and the play around you/try to get to the bottles while you feed them one by one. One, Pistachio, loves being held. He'll jump on you till you pick him up and then he just lays there, happy as a clam. He's the goat version of Riley, and about as small. Later on baby chicks were found in the babies' pen. Tiny little things, and all different colors. One even has a black body with a bright yellow face. Huge hit with everyone on the farm.

For the afternoon chores we cleaned some water buckets, mucked out a stall, and watered the animals. Also saw a bit of the milking process which I'll be doing tomorrow. After all of that I went back to something I am quite used to doing - killing unwanted plants. There's a lot of sticker bush (a tall prickly plant) in the pastures that needs to come out so I did that for maybe an hour. Further case of deja vou later when we had farm dinner. 12 people, 2 cooks, and a short meeting. Sound familiar? The food was awesome! Souffle, a fancy salad, good pasta, and delicious brussel sprouts. Even had homemade strawberry lemonade. Couldn't have asked for anything better. After 2 early mornings in a row I was exhausted so off I went to sleep.

Sorry no pictures for today. More to come though. Just need to charge my phone.

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