Monday, September 16, 2013

So How Many Times Have You Summited? Um.......

Back into the swing of things at the farm after the camping trip. It was good to see all the animals again, especially JuJu and the puppies.

I started working at a rental store for guided trips to the summit of Mt Rainer. The owner of the farm is a manager for the company - which also includes a bunkhouse, retail store, and grill - and they needed extra help since people were returning to school. I was a bit nervous since I had no experience with this and I was being trained for literally 20 minutes before being left with another girl from the farm who had been working 5 days. This was going to go well...

Basically people are in a guided group and they get a list of items they need from the guide company, which is associated with the rental store. There are some who do the climb independently but mostly not. We have everything from backpacks, to ice axes, to boots and crampons. Really most things they could possibly. I have to help size them and make sure they get all the gear on there list. Not too difficult but there's definitely a learning curve. Also a fear that I'm sending someone up a snow covered mountain with improper gear... But the guides check that everyone had the right things so at least there's a check. Most things are quick to size but the boot can take forever. One person can take 20 depending on how fussy they are or willing to listen to how they should be sized. One group took at least 30 minutes because the pair of guys were so full of themselves they couldn't stop goofing around. They were back the next day in need of different size boots, a torn parka, and a more sober outlook. I'm curious to see how they make out.

We also check the gear back in. People are generally exhausted by this point and usually impatient to get their stuff back in. They typically fall into two categories - those who made it to the top, are super excited and impatient, and just want to grab food and a drink to celebrate or those who didn't make it, are dissapointed and impatient, and just want to grab food and a drink and try to get it. Either way most just want to throw the stuff at you and get out. Takes less time then giving people gear, but less pleasant. Overall it's neat to learn about the gear and hear about people's hikes. I knew I was getting better with what I was talking about when someone asked me how many times I'd been to the summit. Rather than saying that I've never done it or anything like it I tried to pass it off as just having got there and not getting the chance yet. He was surprised and said by the way I was talking about the gear he just assumed I had. Made me feel like I could at least fake some confidence about this and could make out ok.
Sorry no pics from the store.

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