Thursday, September 12, 2013

Off for the Afternoon

I was up super early Sunday and walked the dogs first thing. Abbey got it into her head that everyone wanted to play with her. Not bad when it was Princess since she also wanted to play, but Layla the cat was not so friendly. She kept swatting at Abbey, but she kept trying anyway. Feeding was relatively calm today no real problems.

The puppies are getting everywhere

Attempting to play with the cat

Our bucklings

Uno and the white buckling, still dont know his name

Having to climb over a dog makes it a little trickier to eat
One of our studs - Dakota

Chillin in the grain bucket

I got done with my work by noon so I headed out. In an attempt to miss the Cape less I went to Gig Harbor, a small town on a harbor that's supposed to be a great place to visit. It had a cute main street with a farmers market going on. Had a fantastic peach and saw some nice crafts. I basically just walked the main street before heading off again. I drove farther to Bainbridge Island.

I took the bridges as a good sign

The houses were across the way were beautiful

Clearly a fishing area
The main street here was much larger and there were a few streets off of it with more shops. My first stop was at a fantastic ice cream shop. The girl helping me was super chatty in a friendly way and gave me some extra ice cream since I was nice enough to talk with her. From there I checked out a yarn store, outdoors shop, and a few cute home stores. All around the area were sculptures of a frog that had been decorated by local artists. They were really cute and gave a nice sense of connection around the town.

Amazing coconut and vanilla ice cream

Such a great place

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