Friday, September 20, 2013

Goats are Sneaky

So during my time here I have discovered that goats can be very sneaky. You may think you have closed all the gates, safely tucked them away in the barn, and then an hour later they're all lose eating as much hay as possible. They seem to know to run out right after you check on them. They also love to follow you to a gate or stanchion until they are right next to it and then they quickly veer off, heading far far away as fast as possible. The little ones are funny too. When I play with the babies I let them climb all over me, but every once in a while they still surprise me, jumping from a remarkably far distance from a direction I don't even suspect.

So far though Madrona has been the sneakiest of them all. After p.m. milking a couple of nights ago the other girl I was milking with went to fill the water and came racing back in saying there was a baby. I followed her into the teens pen where she scooped up a little baby. As she cleaned her off I was trying to find the mom, checking all of the really pregnant goats. None seemed like they had just given birth. The only one even making any noise was Madrona, but I didn't think she was too far along in her pregnancy so I didn't pay much attention. She laid back down as I kept looking. A second later though she stood up and turned around. Clearly had just given birth. I called the other girl over as a second girl was born. We took all of them into a separate stall where we cleaned them up and the babies took their first steps. One is all black and the other is light brown with black over her front that makes her look as if she is wearing a hoodie. Super cute! We guess that her due date was wrong, and as these were her first babies she wasn't super big. Like I said, they're full of surprises. No names as of yet, maybe soon.

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